14 July, 2011


Today, our first set of homework and labs were finally due (yeah, I'm here for Physics 'member?) and just a few minutes ago I reached a high enough level of boredom to go wash my dishes. I'm in England, I shouldn't be getting bored, right? RIGHT?!


I'm an international bore. Granted, I expected this--I get bored really easily. I need to constantly be doing things. Nonetheless, this is not a bad boredom. It's a British boredom. I feel good and relaxed. Usually, back in the USofA, when I get bored I get anxious and stressed. Here the possibilities are endless: a run? a club? the beach? A run to the club that's on the beach?? Endless!!

For now, I just ate and am thus in a food coma. So my boredom is actually laziness and will leave as soon as I digest. Huh. So... this entire post is irrelevant. My bad.

PS. Happy France Day (Jour de la Bastille)!! Wrong country I know, but I would celebrate this no matter which country I was in. (:

PPS. Who's going to the midnight HP premiere??? Not me. I'm not enough of a potterhead. But I will watching it some time this weekend hopefully. Can't wait!

PPPS. I just realized my last three posts have been on national holidays: Canada, USA, France. In that order. Oh snaps.

1 comment:

  1. Get out there and do stuff! Go wild! But not so wild you get arrested by bobbies. ;)
