01 July, 2011

The Clock is Ticking

The little countdown clock on the left reads 6 hours: 22 minutes: 35.. 34.. 33.... seconds.


I kinda wanted to lie to you and say I'm sitting here nonchalantly waiting for the plane to come. But as I said, that would be a l i e. Here's the real situation:

- I have not finished packing. By this I mean, I know what I'm bringing but it's just laid out there waiting to be neatly folded and whatnot >.<
- I still feel like I'm taking a journey into the unknown. So many things can and probably will go wrong, it's just a matter of can I handle them?
- I did not have time to reserve some British Pounds from my bank for some reason. (Maybe that reason was spending all day at Disneyland, but that's besides the point...)
- I'm still slightly confused as to this whole phone thing is going to work.
- Foooood. I have a feeling I'm going to finally lose those 10lbs while abroad, which can be a good thing. Depends how its done though--starving to death is definitely not the proper way.
- I learned the difference between a converter and adapter. I feel so inteligente.
- Bring from here or buy there? The eternal question.
- I'm just tired of worrying and want to be there getting my British accent on already. Let's get-er-dun!

Nonetheless, I'm excited. This is insane, I've wanted this since my day of birth! Ish. I absolutely cannot wait, but my nerves definitely are not helping with the transition.
I would ramble more about the ordeals I have encountered in the process of getting ready but I seriously need to finish packing! XD

The next time I post I will probably be in GMT +1 *spazzes*

PS. Beware of E. Coli whilst abroad. Because, you know, I don't have enough things to worry about -__-"

1 comment:

  1. :D

    I know you'll be able handle anything to comes up with pure awesomeness! Have a good flight. :)
