28 August, 2011

Bitter and Sweet. Like Chocolate.

And here I am, in the Americas. It's crazy. It's weird. It's bitter (oh so bitter), but it's also sweet.
I'm actually not in the States yet, but I'm somewhere hovering over the waters (when I wrote this, I'm now posting it while at home because I don't have Wifi in mid-air...). I should be landing in about 6hrs, methinks?

First, let's talk about how bitter this is, in random order:
-Living on my own. No chores? No rules? It's not like I'm the ultimate rebel but I did enjoy my independence.
- Midnight Kebab or Burger King or whatever else we could get at such a strange time.
- Although I disliked how far the bathroom was, I actually enjoyed having a sink in my room. It's a strange but useful perk.
- London trips!!! That place is so amazing, the fun really never ends.
- Easy transportation. Yes, nothing like waiting for half an hour in the freezing cold for the N25 at 2am. Worth every minute.
- British accents. After a while I didn't even notice them anymore, but rather got annoyed by American accents being so bland. As of right now, the stewardesses still are Brits, but the moment I land it's gonna be all LIKE OMG.
- Following people with RED SHIRTS!!! aka our super, duper, lovely tour guides. *cough* Especially Tom and Becky *cough*
- Brighton! I've lived/visited many places in my short lifetime, and Brighton is so far my absolute favorite. You want the country? You want the beach? You want the nightlife? Or just good ole English beauty? IT'S GOT IT ALL.
- Having my roomed cleaned weekly. Yup.
- Constant outings/discoveries aka SHENANIGANS aka bad ideas that nobody bothered to stop from happening.
- Taking over the karaokeeee every Tuesday.
- Being considered over 18 rather than under 21.
- TEAM SUSSEXY. I love them all so. freakin'. much. They were the bow tie at the end of the present that was England. Everyone I met in general has been wonderful and I will probably continue the friendships; but these guys live all over the place and although we plan on remaining in contact by passing a letter around the world (like the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants but without the pants), I know it'll be difficult to see each other again and the mere thought breaks my heart.
- I've left England with a burned palm, a burned tongue, injured fingers, injured abdomen, an empty bank account and guesss what? COMPLETELY WORTH IT. Because I also left with a whole basket of wonderful new friends, new experiences, and yes, a new person (no silly, I didn't bring anyone, I am the new person XD).

Of course, there is some sweetness awaiting at the end of this:
- I remember leaving my family like it was 2 months ago, and I miss them dearly.
- I've brought a bunch of people back a bunch of great little knick knacks (and tales, so many tales) that I can't wait to share.
- In n Out and PANDA EXPRESS and Taco Bell!!!! Omfg.
- My own bathroom that doesn't look like it's been attacked by chewbacca.
- Mi madre's homecooking. Or just not needing to stand up and cook for myself every freakin' time I'm hungry. I like independence, but I also like free food xD
- Disneyland trips
- Mis amigos (:
- Beaches with sand? Yes. And sunshine? Heck yes.
- Work! It's so weird, I really missed work! Then again, my job is to roll around in sandboxes with a bunch of toddlers--you'd miss it too. That and I enjoy filling my bank account.
- Driving--THE CORRECT WAY. I wonder if I still know how.
- No fire alarms every other week, 6 times a day.

So, yeah, I don't know what to say anymore. I'm afraid my laptop might short circuit if I flood it with tears :'( This may or may not be my last entry on this subject, we'll see. If it is, thank you for reading and following me through an epictastic journey. Yay!

20 August, 2011

The Amount of Epic in this Post Cannot be Titled

I usually don't blog about a specific day (I usually don't blog at all...), BUT yesterday was indescribable. So I just have to describe it.

4:00: Finally go to sleep after a long, pointless but lovely talk with some great friends in their kitchen. Why? Who knows coughsotipsycough. But I got an intense massage out of it!!

8:10: Snooze.
8:20: Snooze.

8:50 FINE I'LL GET UP. fml. Wake up still sore from working out afew days ago, and walking into a table.

9:40 Buy group (of 4) discount ticket to London with three people I don't really know and don't care to know. I just wanted a cheap ticket because that's all the money I had left anyways.

12:00ish Ello London!! Everyone off to their own places. I need to go pick up the money my aunt transferred to me in Western London and then I'm visiting Wimbledon!!

12:20 Find out that for some reason my ticket says Aug. 22nd instead of the 19th therefore cannot be used today. When I try to exchange it, I can't because it's a group ticket so I need the rest of the group. I have no idea where this said group is. I can't call them because 1) Don't know them and 2) I'm out of money in my phone.

12:23 Realization that I'm stuck in London alone and moneyless. Keep calm and carry on??

12:26 Ask the info person how one would go to Nottinghill Gate (where my money was transferred to). He tells me to take the bus which costs £2.20.

12:30 Realize I have approximately £0.50 in my wallet. o___O

12:35 Ask some guy in a map store to direct me to Nottinghill. The quickest way? A 2-hr walk.

12:37 I sadly commence my 2-hr walk with my bag of cookies in my purse and the motto to keep calm no matter what. Because I have no choice.

12:42 Ask the info lady at the entrance of Hyde Park for directions again. When she asks why I'm making a two-hour walk and tell her my sitch. She proceeds to give me £2 pounds for the bus. God bless her!!!!!!!

13:00 Arrive at Nottinghill Gate, get my money, add money to my phone. Life is good again.

13:30 Decide to take the bus all the way to Wimbledon because I like adventures. Annnd don't want to buy another train ticket.

14:00 Among my many bus transfers across London (even though my bus ticket was apparently for one journey only), I stop in South Kensington (sp?) where there is a Natural Science museum. Free admission? Sure, why not!

15:00 Buy some food from a fake Subway, and I'm off to Wimbledon!

16:15 Arrive in the beautiful little town that is Wimbledon. I expected some majestic place but it's as if someone took a normal town, like in the country where I used to live in NorCal, and then placed an epic tennis tournament off on the side of it. I decided to walk to the courts so I could take it all in.

16:45 WIMBLEDON COURTS!!!... close in 15 minutes. :'( The tour is closed but the shop is still open. So I rush in and buy some souvenirs for my dad and "uncle"(we call him uncle but he's just family friend).
17:15 Take the train back to central London (it's only £4 from where I was) where it all started. I'm planning to go home until I arrive and remember that some friends where planning to go watch Wicked. I'm exhausted as heck, but sure why not?

18:00 Buy last-minute Wicked tickets for only £22.50!! Which is even cheaper than how much they got it for hours earlier.

19:30 Watch the most amazing musical EVER.
22:30 Still don't want to buy a train ticket home. Try my chances again with the one that says the wrong date and... get through!

0:00 I'm homeee. Holy cheeses, whattaday. Skype mom to wish her a happy anniversary and give her a quick summary of my day.

1:00 I needs sleep.

Days like this are why I never want to go home. But I have to in 7days ):

10 August, 2011

Forever Changed

This is just going to be a big blob of ramble since I have not updated in a while (this is why I don't blog). Soooo:
  • I went to the homeland (Paris, France) over the long weekend between Session I and II, and it was FANTABULOUS. I was like this all 4 days: ^_________________^
  • Whilst there, I visited Versaille for the first time and got into the Chateau for freeeee (because I was studying in EU and under 26yrsold).
  • When I returned my easily adaptable accent was confused. French-British. Brench? Fritish?
  • I met a new group of amigos from all over Europe + Canada and Mexico. And they're bomb-diggititious. We are Team Sussexy.
  • We went to London DAYS before this whole riot business, and it was wonderful. I don't understand humans, ruining such a great place :/
  • I actually have to return to London to receive the money my aunt transferred from France. I hopes I don't die. o.O
  • (I'm currently listening to an MJ playlist. It's like an ear orgy. No, it very much is.)
  • I'm sore from playing tennis and tired from being sick (AGAIN @#$%@#$). I don't understand my immune system here, in fact I think I left it in the USofA.
  • I've deemed England the land of many firsts. In the last month and some I've experience some of my 'firsts' life moments. Growing up... one bad idea at a time.
  • I was at the edge of a cliff! NOT. I stood like a wimp a few metres (look at me spelling it all British) away. But it was still beautiful. Here's a pic:Oooooh. Ahhhhh.
  • On that note I'M HAVING THE TIME OF LIFE AND NEVER EVER WANNA LEAAAVEEEEE. (Although I do miss my mom's homecookin'. I'll take that...)
  • I was thinking about how people who'd gone on the trip in previous years kept saying "it changed their lives" and I thought it was a bunch of BS. Or that they had a pretty lame life. Well, it's not even over yet but I can def say my life has been permanently altered. PERMANENTLY. O_O